Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Blah-nd Night at the Movies

Well, tonight's performance episode shows that not all things improve with age. I was hoping now that we were down to the Top 4 the overall quality of performances would approve. The movie theme was even much more broad than the artist themes (Sinatra, Elvis, Shania, etc) so there should have been better material for the contestants. It is pretty sad when two of the best performances of the evening are the duets. At least I am guessing that Crystal and Lee will both be safe, just like the Idol producers wanted, but I sure wish they could all perform better. The bigger question is who will be going home tomorrow, and it will be either Mike or Casey, all depending on who can get their fans to call in more votes. The numbers on DialIdol show Casey far ahead of Mike, but from DialIdol and Facebook results in the past, Mike seems to have a lot of "non-Internet" fans which have been voting for him and keeping him alive.

So now I will give my opinions on the six performances of the evening, including the two duets:

1) Crystal 7.2/10 - Good song for her performed quite strongly, but not as strongly as we know she is able. I still liked it better than her duet with Lee, but just barely.
2) Crystal/Lee 7.0/10 - Their vocals sounded good together, but I think the other instrumentalists were too strong. I think two guitars and two vocalists should be enough with just light accompaniment. Crystal definitely sounds better than Lee, but having her sweet vocals together with his raspy sound actually complement each other pretty well.
3) Casey/Mike 6.0/10 - They sounded best when they were both singing together, although Mike definitely sounds better than Casey who is rather bland in comparison. Both of them were adding a bit more "schmaltz" than I would like.
4) Mike 5.5/10 - As usual his vocals sound clean, but he added too much of his overdone vigor. At least he was hitting all his notes and adding some excitement to his song.
5) Lee 5.2/10 - He was definitely missing a bunch of his high notes, and not adding much added personality to the song. It still sounded like a nice cover song, but nothing special.
6) Casey 4.0/10 - With Aaron gone he is again in trouble. Luckily he looked better with his hair down again to get the ladies to call in votes for him. His version of "Mrs. Robinson" showed he added some originality but made the song much more lackluster.

Even though I think Mike did better than Lee, I am still guessing Lee will be voted to safety and Mike and Casey will be in the bottom two. So I think the folks in Toledo and Mount Prospect can start preparing for their celebrations on Friday (and hope for good weather) but St. Pete and Fort Worth will have to wait until tomorrow night to see who is going home. It is too close to call, especially since it all depends on the voters.

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