Wednesday, April 7, 2010

How dare Tim not stink it up!

I was really hoping for a cheesy, pathetic performance from Tim Urban last night so I would be happy to see him be eliminated tonight. Unfortunately, the Teflon Titan performed a bland but not horrific rendition of "All My Loving" which all three judges actually praised. I think perhaps they were praising him to lessen his pity votes and finally get him off the show. But little Timmy was not the worst performer on the show last night, which may have ended up being more of a "most boring" award as opposed to just plain out bad. That would probably go to Aaron Kelly, although Katie and Andrew were not too far behind (as well as Tim.) I know those would be my bottom four of the night, but it is hard to determine the bottom three for this evening. I am guessing Andrew has the fan base to keep him out of the bottom three in votes, so it will probably be between Tim, Aaron and Katie. I doubt the show producers would let Katie leave the show (to have four girls leave in four weeks), so it is likely between Aaron and Tim going home tonight. With the resilience that mighty Tim has had in the past, that may be very bad news for Aaron Kelly!

After checking the preliminary scores on, I agreed with most of the top and bottom performers (Casey, Crystal on the top, Aaron and Andrew on the bottom), but I cannot see why people liked Katie's performance so much (more than Lee? more than Big Mike? Siobhan?) And just because Tim did not fall flat on his face does not put him higher than Lee or Mike either. Yes, Lee was weird to have the bagpiper join him, and Mike did cheese it up a bit too much, but I would still much rather listen to either of them than to boring Tim or plastic Katie. I think Katie probably reminds many people of those snotty "popular" girls in high school many of us did not like, and I find it very difficult to enjoy watching her perform. I think she is one of the performers who work much better with the sound on and the picture off (Big Mike is another good example, although I find him much more likable.) So here is my personal final rankings for the evening:

1. Casey (nice change for him -- he showed some emotion and stopped smiling!) 8.6/10
2. Crystal (a little off here and there, but still strong) 8.2/10
3. Lee (more comfortable sounding, not much originality except the bizarre bagpipes) 6.9/10
4. Mike (nice soulful vocals, way too much overacting) 6.6/10
5. Siobhan (pleasant but too restrained, rather boring for her) 6.3/10
... rather large gap here ...
6. Tim (boring, but actually better than some) 3.9/10
7. Andrew (why he is behind the judges? weird arrangement, but still better than Katie) 3.8/10
8. Katie (stop scrunching your face!) 2.5/10
9. Aaron (double zzzzz) 2.0/10

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