Friday, April 16, 2010

Final Pre-weekend graph of Facebook Fan Numbers

I just had to compile my numbers for my graph again before the weekend. Even though Andrew and Katie are off the show, they actually will now get their week of talk shows (Ellen, Letterman, etc) and they will be back for the tour so they may actually pick up more fans than if they were performing! I thought Andrew was particularly gracious after his elimination, and Katie held her composure quite well for a 17 year old who has not even graduated high school yet! Katie actually seems like a very nice girl when she is not performing, and I think Andrew also has a lot more personality when not performing as well. Since he lives in the LA area I bet we see Andrew around in the audience for the rest of the show, probably cheering on Lee. He seems like a pretty cool guy overall. Anyone who will call himself "corny" is okay with me.

But on to my numbers for today! The same trend as before had continued with Crystal gaining over 3,500 new fans since Wednesday (61,885 total), and Lee gaining almost 3,000 as well (31,651). Tim continues to gain a following with over 2,200 new fans (to a total of 17,695). The eliminated Andrew actually gained almost 2,000 (45,585 total) and Katie gained over 1,600 (23,564 total). Casey, Aaron, and Siobhan all gained about 1,000 (Casey to 34,028, Aaron to 28,518, Siobhan to 21,344). Bringing up the rear continues to be Mike with a total of 6,031 fans.

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