Monday, April 26, 2010

Facebook turned off the Fan Based Pages!

Alas, it appears that Facebook must have taken all the fan created pages for the contestants except for Crystal's, Michael's and Tim's. So that means I cannot keep updating my lovely Facebook Fan graphs! How sad. I did note that Crystal's fan count is up to over 78,000 now, so maybe the other fan pages took themselves down so they would not be compared.

I thought another interesting graph would be layering the line graphs for the WhatNotToSing web ratings for the remaining contestants. Now that we are down to six, it is now much easier to see them all together over the nine weeks they have been performing. Just showing the overall average of the contestants at the current time does not demonstrate their change over time as well, but my lovely line graph does demonstrate the ebbs and flows of each contestant over the past two months. Some contestants like Crystal and Aaron have been very consistent (consistently good for Crystal, consistently bad for Aaron), but the remaining four contestants have varied quite a bit. I even added a spline to the curves here since I thought the pointed lines were too much. I definitely believe Aaron, Casey and Mike are the ones to worry this week and who really have to deliver a great performance or risk going home Wednesday. Since it is Shania Twain week this should make for some interesting performances.

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